‘Rick and Morty’ Returns! Here Are Some Schwifty Beers for Season 5
And we’re (burp) back! Will Season 5 have interdimensional cable? Will Jerry and Beth stay together? Do we care if Jerry and Beth stay together? Here are some Rick and Morty-themed beers to drink while mulling it over.

The Show: Sci-Fi comedy with frequent doses of existential nihilism. / 2013-present / Cartoon Network Adult Swim
The Beers: Craft brews inspired by the weird, sometimes unsettling world of Rick and Morty.
Wubba lubba dub dub! Rick and Morty is back, squanchers. The Season 5 premiere dropped late Sunday night on Adult Swim, and it did not disappoint. Solar Opposites satisfied during the interim, but Rick and Morty‘s simple-yet-maniacal Season 5 premiere (titled “Mort Dinner Rick Andre”) reminded why it’s Adult Swim’s most successful show.
I won’t give away any spoilers today, but I will say that we get to meet a new character who is apparently Rick’s nemesis. I will also say that the episode felt more like a mid-season installment rather than an opener, which is not a bad thing. Season premieres often feel like they’re trying too hard to either recap what happened previously or go so far over the top that the rest of the season ends up feeling like one big falling action.
If anything, “More Dinner Rick Andre” felt like the show was more on step with its roots than the previous season. And if you think the A plot setup with Rick’s nemesis in this one is fun, just you wait for the B plot. Aw geez, it escalates quickly.
Fortunately for all of us Rick and Morty fans who also happen to be beer fans, a lot of craft brewers love the show too! Here’s a lineup of beers worth pairing with this season:
S’morty – Listermann Brewing Co.
It’s a thick-as-heck pastry stout brewed with vanilla, chocolate, marshmallow, graham cracker, nutmeg and lactose! Is this some alternate reality where the beers actually taste like s’mores, and the s’mores get you buzzed? The mad scientists at Cincinatti’s Listermann might argue yes, yes it is.

Aw Geez DIPA – Black Hat Brew Works
Massachusetts’ Black Hat crafted this hazy double IPA with a big, juicy kick of Simcoe and Mosaic hops. Each sip is like a rush of tropical fruit, possibly smuggled from another planet. It also packs a sneaky 8.1% ABV that you definitely don’t realize the strength of until about halfway through the can.

Let’s Get Squanched – Divine Barrel Brewing
All you squanchers are gonna love this Fruited Berliner Weisse! North Carolina’s Divine Barrel squanched things up real good with additions of tangy key lime and juicy sweet cherry. At only 4.8% ABV, it’s not enough to get you squanched, but the draw here is those totally squanching cherry limeade flavors.

Pickle Rick Gose – Uhl’s Brewing Co.
This small Colorado brewery makes some seriously insane brews. Check it out; they turned their Gose into a pickle, Morty! It’s Pickle Rick Gose! To be specific, it’s a Gose with coriander, salt and dill.

Wubba Lubba Dub Double IPA – Departed Soles Brewing Co.
Bird Person says “Wubba lubba dub dub” means “I am in great pain,” but he’s a bird guy who preens himself and admits he doesn’t know what humans eat. Translation: he’s probably never had a beer. If he had a sip of the tropical refreshment swirling in this Azacca, Columbus and Eureka-hopped IPA, he’d be tweeting a different tune. Now, this one is sold out of the brewery only, so if you’re in Jersey City, you’re in luck!

Cheers! Now let’s go get schwifty in here.