A Patriotic Beer & Movie Lineup for the 4th of July
This is America. Celebrate Independence Day the way you really want to, with an on-theme beer and movie lineup.

Sure, this country’s bonkers a lot of the time, but Independence Day is probably the best excuse there is to lean into the patriotic spirit. Whether that’s fighting invading aliens, pretending you’re the President or stealing the Declaration of Independence just so some other guy won’t do it first, embracing the nation takes different forms for different people.
I’m talking about movies, of course. True patriotism starts with being true to yourself and your personal interests, right?
From gut-busting comedies to somber wartime dramas, there’s something for everyone on the patriotic movie front. And since it is a federal holiday, why not pop open a couple beers that also evoke the good ‘ol red, white and blue?
8 beer and movie pairings for Independence Day
Despite enjoying fireworks and grill outs as much as the next average American, there comes a point on every 4th of July that I just want to go inside and get comfy. If you also enjoy kicking back with a beer and movie in between or after (or instead of) the usual BBQs and parades, this list’s for you.
Samuel Adams Boston Lager with Independence Day
The Movie: SciFi Action / 1996 / Centropolis Entertainment, 20th Century Fox
The Beer: Vienna Lager / 5% ABV / Samuel Adams – Boston, MA
Let’s start with the obvious choices. Independence Day is perhaps the movie that’s the most about the Fourth of July — at least the modern concept of the day. We might not be facing a hostile invasion from space at this time, but c’mon, just look at this film. It’s got so many “America rocks! In your face!” thematic devices created in the late 20th century, from the young hotshot fighter pilot bringing down bad guys to the troubled father redeeming himself by saving Planet Earth. Independence Day is one over-the-top movie masquerading as semi-serious action, and I love every second of it.
Better go with a big, well-known beer pairing for this summer blockbuster. While you could go with something lighter and less flavorful, Boston Lager is a great choice as one of America’s most iconic craft beers. Brewed with a variety of German Noble hops, this smooth sipper is one of the beers that helped spur American interest in other beer styles, eventually leading to the craft beer revolution. There’s also just something about Boston as a city that just screams American independence for some reason…
Washington’s Porter with Dave
The Movie: Political comedy / 1993 / Northern Lights Entertainment, Warner Bros.
The Beer: American Porter / 7% ABV / Yards Brewing Co. – Philadelphia, PA
Wouldn’t it be nice if a regular, down-to-earth person could run the country? In Dave, that’s exactly what happens when a lookalike is put in place at the White House after a secret scandal leaves the actual President incapacitated. Along with being the ultimate fodder for conspiracy theorists and providing some biting subtext on the inner workings of our nation’s highest offices, the movie is both funny and surprisingly heartwarming. A nice choice for a Fourth of July afternoon or early evening.
Such a film deserves a beer pairing that also warms the soul. While I’d usually opt for lighter styles on July 4th, Washington’s Porter is a dark and smooth alternative. Perhaps shockingly drinkable, each sip still offers robust notes of caramel and dark fruit. The Yards folks say the molasses-brewed Porter was inspired by an actual beer recipe written by George Washington during his active military days, so it’s only fitting to pair this one with a presidential movie.
Union Anthem Golden Ale with American Graffiti
The Movie: Coming-of-age nostalgia comedy / 1973 / Lucasfilm Ltd.,
The Beer: Golden Ale / 5% ABV / Union Craft Brewing – Baltimore, MD
If you haven’t watched yet, it may seem like American Graffiti has nothing in line with “patriotic movies” other than its title. But this movie is a slice of Americana itself. Set in 1962 California, the trials and tribulations of teenagers out on the town on an early summer evening make for a story that connects with Americans of all ages — even if you’re like me and weren’t even alive for another 30 years.
To accompany this all-American classic, there are few better choices than Union Craft Brewing’s Anthem. Crisp and just lightly floral, this Golden Ale is perfectly refreshing for a summer evening (or day). Making it even more appropriate as an Independence Day beer, Union first crafted Anthem in honor of the 200th anniversary of Francis Scott Key’s penning of The Star Spangled Banner.
Yuengling Traditional Lager with National Treasure
The Movie: Action adventure / 2004 / Walt Disney Pictures
The Beer: American Amber Lager / 4.5% ABV / Yuengling Brewery – Pottsville, PA
“I’m going to steal the Declaration of Independence.”
As with any Nicolas Cage movie, this one is tons of fun. It also happens to be on the good side while even being daringly patriotic. It’s all about a race to find a massive treasure collection hidden by Benjamin Franklin and the Freemasons, who were concealing it from the British of course. Is it any coincidence that the leading man is American while his nemesis is played by an English dude? Go team America! Go Hollywood!
Such a film needs no super complex beer to distract from it. Instead, I suggest getting your July 4th in full swing with a Yuengling Traditional Lager. Lightly malty while refreshing, the beer is simple and gratifying. Besides, Yuengling is the oldest operating brewery in the United States. They’re probably not hiding any secrets from the Freemasons and Founding Fathers though. Probably.
Honor Brewing Lady Liberty with Glory
The Movie: Historical war drama / 1989 / Freddie Fields Productions
The Beer: Belgian style wheat beer with cherry / 5.5% ABV / Honor Brewing – Chantilly, VA
Just about any of Honor Brewing’s beers are fitting for the Fourth of July — the brewers here are veterans, and their business revolves around supporting fellow veterans and their families. They also happen to be really good beer makers, as Lady Liberty refreshingly shows.
Now, it may not seem too patriotic to spend July 4th watching a movie about when the nation was at war with itself. But one could argue that a big part of being a good citizen is acknowledging and learning from all parts of national history. Glory has its flaws as far as historical dramas go, though it is more realistic than most. More importantly, the story of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment — one of the first Black units in the Civil War — is one worth watching in honor of U.S. veterans both past and present.
Anchor Brewing Liberty Ale with Captain America: The First Avenger
The Movie: Superhero action / 2011 / Marvel Studios
The Beer: American Pale Ale / 5.9% ABV / Anchor Brewing Co. – San Francisco, California
He’s Captain America you guys. Of course he deserves to be a part of the U.S.’s biggest, America-iest holiday. Also if you need a reminder of why and how Marvel movies became so popular, this does the job. Set during World War II, it’s a superhero flick that also dives into the war action and spy thriller genres. While Cap’ went on to have greater moments during his run in the MCU franchise, this debut is now a classic worth revisiting.
Liberty Ale is a classic in its own right. Anchor Brewing’s been making it since the ’70s, originally brewing the beer in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Paul Revere’s historic ride. But the reason it’s remained a popular local staple all these years is because the formula is simple and solid.
Revolution Brewing Freedom of Speach with Team America: World Police
The Movie: Action comedy / 2004 / Scott Rudin Productions, Braniff Productions
The Beer: Session sour with peach / 4.5% ABV / Revolution Brewing – Chicago, IL
Yes, it’s offensive. Yes, those are all marionettes. Yes, it’s all ludicrously hilarious. Honestly, the theme song repeating “America! F**k yeah!” is merit enough to include Team America on any Fourth of July movie list that doesn’t take itself too seriously. That, and the fact that it was made by South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
For when you catch a break between laughs, grab some sips of Revolution Brewing’s Freedom of Speach Fruited Sour. There’s nothing like toasting to the First Amendment with this refreshingly tart brew while you’re watching puppets say things like “Hey terrorists, terrorize this!”
Revolution Brewing Rev Pils with The Patriot
The Movie: Action war drama / 2000 / Sony Pictures
The Beer: Bavarian Pilsner / 5.5% ABV / Revolution Brewing – Chicago, IL
If more serious and straightforward is your style this Fourth of July, try pairing Revolution’s classic-style Pilsner with The Patriot. Sure, the movie takes a ton of liberties around its true-life colonial era source material, but that kind of just makes the beer an even more fitting pairing. A Bavarian beer made with German ingredients, it’s labeled a “Chicago Pilsner” made with what the brewers called “American craft style.” Sometimes, you just have to put your own twists on things.
Today, you’re perfectly free to do so. Happy Independence Day!

Great post today! Happy Fourth, Brianna!