DC’s Peacemaker Paired with Misguided Angel IPA
The show isn’t perfect, but it’s easily among the best things in the DCEU so far. A great beer pairing for John Cena’s would-be superhero? Lithermans Limited Misguided Angel IPA.

The Show: Superhero action-crime mystery / 2022 / HBO Max
The Beer: New England Hazy IPA / 7.5% ABV / Lithermans Limited – Concord, NH
If you haven’t seen last year’s The Suicide Squad yet, a glance at Peacemaker may feel like the DCEU is just swinging in another attempt to keep up with the MCU. After all, this is the first-ever DCEU show, and it’s coming right on the heels of a string of hit MCU streaming series.
But The Suicide Squad was a game changer for the franchise, and so far, Peacemaker follows right in its footsteps.
Exciting and unpredictable, The Suicide Squad turned over a new leaf for the DCEU (which, let’s be honest, has been flailing with boring, lackluster movies overall). It also proved John Cena has some genuine dramatic acting depth, which is likely why his character ended up getting his own show.
On that note, you don’t technically need to watch The Suicide Squad in order to enjoy HBO’s Peacemaker, but it will help. The new show picks up very close to where the movie ends, and Cena’s character is now deeply affected by his past actions. He’s well-meaning yet horribly misguided — a would-be superhero if maybe it weren’t for some really bad decisions mixed with early-childhood brainwashing.
There’s a lot to unpack here. So, let’s pop open some beers and discuss!
Why Peacemaker is Nothing like the MCU TV Shows
As mentioned, Peacemaker is the DCEU’s first-ever TV series. This, along with the fact that James Gunn of Guardians of the Galaxy created it, makes it practically impossible not to compare it to the past year’s slew of MCU TV shows (WandaVision, Falcon & the Winter Soldier, Loki — just to name a few). But Marvel this is not. Nor is it a bleak and realistic superhero tale like The Boys or Invincible.
Instead, it’s a show that excels in its ridiculousness. Peacemaker himself is a delightfully ludicrous being. He’s a total bro who was raised by a total racist supervillain, and his whole goal is to achieve “peace” by killing whoever it takes. He even comes with a trailer home that looks like Uncle Sam painted it and a pet eagle named “Eagly.” Add in a sci-fi mystery and a rag-tag ensemble team to Peacemaker’s world, and you’ve got some addictive TV. The pace is a little uneven at times, but it’s all still light years more exciting than Justice League. On that alone the duller moments get a pass.

Oh, and you guys, it totally passes the Bechdel test! There are multiple female characters here, and they don’t suck. Peacemaker’s a watchable weirdo with a backstory we’re still unpacking, but it’s his teammate, Leota Adebayo (Danielle Brooks, of Orange is the New Black) who might be even more interesting. I won’t get too into detail here for those who aren’t all caught up, but I definitely want to see where things end up going with her. Either way, it’s extra refreshing at a time when the MCU is still trying to figure out what to do with its ladies.
Now, if there’s one thing I’m not so gung-ho about, it’s Peacemaker‘s opening credits. The bizarre dance sequence feels a little out of place even for a show that’s already capitalizing on the weirder parts of the DC universe. But according to Gunn, the opening “plays a different role in every episode,” so maybe I need to go back and re-watch the times I skipped through.
At least it’s different I guess? Oh well, on to my beer of choice for this intriguing show.
The Beer Pairing: Lithermans Limited Misguided Angel IPA
When thinking of a beer to pair with Peacemaker, my mind immediately wandered to Misguided Angel IPA from New Hampshire’s Lithermans Limited. It’s been a while since I’ve had this one, but it’s Lithermans flagship that they tend to brew year-round. What better brew to pair with a misguided antihero just hoping to do the right thing?
Like Peacemaker popping up among a sea of popular superhero shows, this brew at first glance seems like just another New England style IPA in a sea of hazies. It’s even double dry-hopped with Citra, Mosaic and Simcoe, which are pretty popular hops these days. But the key here is in the execution.
There’s 4 lbs. of hops per barrel, which seems low-ish compared to a lot of overly packed craft IPAs, but that still makes for incredibly juicy stuff. And it’s just the right amount to not let anything overshadow the less potent nuances. Misguided Angel is a beautifully balanced beer, each sip a medley of bright citrus, ripe peach, and even softly tangy berry. There’s fresh, resinous pine that comes in on the finish.

Is it extremely different and innovative? Not quite. But like Peacemaker, it is something I’ll gladly keep revisiting. Though unlike the show’s titular character, there’s nothing actually “misguided” about this brew.
Where to Find it
Aside from a small amount of distribution in Pennsylvania, Lithermans Limited’s brews can only be found in their home state of New Hampshire. They’re a nano brewery, so their batches aren’t super big. If you do get a chance to try any of Lithermans’ brews though, go for it. This small but talented crew has some serious mastery with a variety of styles.
So, if you’re nowhere near the Granite State, keep scrolling for some bonus beers that also might as well be emblazoned with the “dove of peace.”
*Bonus Beers*
- Peacemaker / Golden Ale / 5% ABV / Austin Beerworks – Austin, TX
- Peace, Love & Haze / NEIPA / 6.3% ABV / Dust Bowl Brewing Co. – Turlock, CA
- Anti-Hero / American IPA / 6.7% ABV / Revolution Brewing Co. – Chicago, IL
- Butterfly Flashmob / Belgian IPA / 7.3% ABV / Solemn Oath Brewery – Naperville, IL
- War & Peace / Russian Imperial Stout / 9.5% ABV / Fulton Beer – Minneapolis, MN
- Teamwork Makes the Dream Work / Imperial Stout / 12.8% ABV / Weather Souls Brewing Co. – San Antonio, TX
Peace out, everyone.